Washington School Neighbors


(the first ever)

Garden Olympics!


When:  Thursday, October 5th,  5pm-7:30pm

Where:   At & Between the Gardens on 9th and  10th Streets (just east of Pine Ave)

What:   Games, Fun,  Delicious and Nutritious Food.  Enjoy Garden Veggie Chili, Cider and Doughnuts & more!  A Bouncy House for kids young and old.  And of course, the Olympics games!!!

Olympic events include:

  • Youth rotten tomato toss (into buckets at different distances for points) –winner receives special chocolate cake

  • Garden trivia game (surprise prizes)

  • Pumpkin Pie eating contest.  Compete in teams of 2 people.  How fast can your team eat 2 pies.  Winning team gets large pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns.

Who:  You, your family, & your neighbors