Why Donate?
If you value the neighborhood work of Washington School Neighbors, and want to see this work continue, please consider supporting WSN financially!
The City of Holland generously supports the work of community development organizations, such as Washington School Neighbors, and provides a $10,000 matching grant. What this means is that we are responsible for raising $10,000 in support in order to receive the full grant amount (see the results of the last fiscal year here).
It is only through the support of our community that we are able to continue our work of connecting residents and empowering them to live out their gifts in order to benefit the entire community. Your donation allows WSN to come alongside those in our area of outreach and support their vision of what living life in a community looks like. We count on neighbors and community partners like you to help us meet our goal.
How to Donate
Use the form below to donate with check / cash, credit card, ACH, Venmo, or PayPal.
NOTE: the form will ask if you want to “Add a tip to support Givebutter” — feel free to do so, or if you aren’t interested, just choose “Other” and set the value to 0.
Thank you for your support!
Also, consider setting WSN as a favorite charity on Ebay for Charity.