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Neighborhood Safety Meeting

Monday June 24th, 6 pm at Nuestra Casa-253 West 15th Street We will hold a neighbor meeting designed to address recent safety concerns. A representative from the Holland Police Department will be there to answer questions, and listen to neighbors’…

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt Thursday June 27th 5:30 to 7 pm We will meet at the 10th Street Hope Church gardens starting at 5:30 to register teams. The Hunt will start promptly at 6 pm. This is a fun way to explore…

Wednesday Night Walks

Wednesday Night Walks Starting Wednesday June 19th and running through August 21st, you can join with other neighbors who would like to go for an evening walk together. We will meet at the Washington School green space on West 11th…

Garden Olympics

Washington School Neighbors presents (the first ever) Garden Olympics!   When:  Thursday, October 5th,  5pm-7:30pm Where:   At & Between the Gardens on 9th and  10th Streets (just east of Pine Ave) What:   Games, Fun,  Delicious and Nutritious Food.  Enjoy Garden Veggie…

Growing in the Garden

This spring Washington School Neighbors launched its third community garden site: the “9th Street Garden” just west of First United Methodist, one short block north of our original garden site on 10th Street. With the help of neighbors from all…

Story Time in the Garden

Story Time in the Garden Celebrate summer: Take your kids, grandkids and friends to hear stories (age appropriate for 0-12 year old) and tour the garden of Washington School Neighbors.  4:30-5:00 p.m., Friday June 10 at the garden on the…

Neighbors Stand Up for Their Green Space

This spring there has been a lot of talk about the beloved Washington School Green Space. Quick summary for those of you not following the news: The Washington School Property is being redeveloped into private housing units. For those living in the…