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Did You Know We Have a Garden?

Did you know that Washington School Neighbors has a community garden? Well we do! The WSN Community Garden started in 2014 on the corner of 10th and Pine. There were 10 raised beds, and each plot was designated to an interested…

Read More! Open-House!

If you are like me, and you usually stop reading at the label “Transportation Improvement Program Open-House,” keep on reading. Even though this Open-House at first may seem uninteresting, it will an important and captivating event. This open-house is for you…

Standing Up for the Neighborhood

This past week was a period of high tensions and emerging passions. If you haven’t heard, a large amount of concerned neighbors attended the latest City Council Planning Commission meeting. The neighbors had five minutes to present their opinions and then…

Washington School Property Meeting

For everyone interesting in the what is going on with the Washington School property, here is an update: There is a City Council study session this Wednesday, February 24 at 6:45 PM in the Training Room on the second floor.…

WSN Joins Insta!

For all of you Instagram lovers, or for all of you who have no idea what Instagram is, you are in luck! Washington School Neighbors has a Instagram account! Now before you all start freaking out (with excitement or confusion),…